Monday, April 18, 2011

Jesus Loves Porn Stars:

Luke 19:5-7

 5When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” 6 So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. 

 7 All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.” 

I can't get over this book I'm reading, called "Jesus Loves You, This I Know" by Craig Gross and Jason Harper.  It is the book I would have written- if I had thought of it :)  It's filled with incredible stories of what it means to truly reach out and bring the love of Jesus to a lost and broken world.

This last chapter I read really touched my heart.  It's entitled, "Jesus Loves Porn Stars".  In this chapter, Craig writes about his unlikely friendship with one of America's number one Porn Stars: Ron Jeremy.  Through his friendship and interactions with Ron, Craig has gotten a lot of heat from the religious community- claiming that he is putting his family at risk or promoting the porn industry. 

I think just the opposite is happening.  Craig Gross (also known as the Porn Pastor) is bringing Jesus to broken and lost people in a real and tangible way.  You can find him hanging out at Porn Conferences, passing out bibles with his ministry team that say "Jesus Loves Porn Stars"....handing out thousands of God's Word, and meeting some really great people who need a Savior just as much as Craig...just as much as you...just as much as me. 

Jesus did just that.  He brought his love to those who needed it the most.  Christians have a tendency to decide for themselves who could really use the love of God today.  We have a tendency to put people in a box and label them based on our own flawed judgments.  It's easier to judge than to love, isn't it?

Jesus is the only one who actually has a right to judge...but He didn't.  He didn't come to judge the world.  He came to save the world from judgment, knowing that one day judgment would come.  He came to love and be loved.  But mostly, just to love.

He went to the places no one expected Him to go.  He dined with the outcasts, the "porn stars" and the sinners.  He spent time with the crooks and the thieves- in fact, he went to their homes, just to show them how much He loved them. 

He didn't love them for who they could be, he loved them for who they were.  The bible says that while we were STILL filthy in our sin, God sent His son for us...not after we changed, not while we were in the process of changing- but while we were still a mess (Romans 5:8).

Christian, when was the last time YOU went to dine at the house of a "sinner"?  Maybe a better question is, when was the last time you considered YOURSELF a sinner?  A sinner in need of Jesus' love.  A sinner in need of a Savior. 

We get so accustomed to grace that we forget where we came from...and that's a dangerous place to be.  I believe that true compassion comes only from the heart of one who who can recognize their own needs and short comings.  True compassion comes when we can say,

"Look....I've been there.  Jesus' love changed my life- now let it change yours". 

May we be inspired to live a life of compassion and love.  A life that reaches out to the least of these- because we realize that we were once lost.  A life that lives unashamedly with the purpose of touching the world around us with the love of Jesus.  A love that knows no limits.  A love that knows no bounds

And may you...have the grace to understand how much Jesus loves you.  No matter where you've been or what you've done.  If you've messed up - than you're the one He came for.  He wants to know you.  He wants to love on you.  He wants to dine with you.  May you have the strength to grasp His love.  A love that knows no limits.  A love that knows no bounds.

**For anyone stuck in the prison of pornography addiction- visit to break free and find hope. 


  1. Great post Deb..

    have you seen Marc Driscol's free e-book:
    Porn-Again Christian....he touches on a log of stuff that many just Christians won't touch.

  2. I haven't seen that yet....but that's something to look into, sounds like an awesome resource. Thanks Chris!


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