Saturday, August 21, 2010

Background Noise: On Life's Significant Moments

Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

I was thinking about what it would look like to take a cross-section of my day and view it from God's perspective.  I would not be surprised in finding out that the things I dub most significant would probably fall under a totally different category from His vantage point.

I got to thinking about this after a conversation I had with my husband.  You see, he is currently involved in some important medical research.  It's funny because going into work everyday this past month, the main focus in his mind was to accomplish productive research and gain beneficial results. 

Recently, his research was pleasantly interrupted by a conversation he had with an Atheist co-worker.  This conversation had significant spiritual implications as they discussed the intricacies of the human body and the possibilities of a Divine Designer.

This got me thinking, because deep down I believe that THESE are the most significant moments in our lives.  These are the treasures buried beneath the sand of our busy schedules.  It's so easy to get caught up in things that have no ultimate significance from an eternal perspective:  that big exam, that new job, the financial situation, that future career goal...but at the end of the day, it's all just background noise.

Don't get me wrong.  I believe God has placed us where we are at for a reason.  If you're a pharmacist, do your job well.  If you deliver Sunday morning papers, do it to the best of your ability.  If you're a doctor, a stay at home mom, or a pastor...pour yourself into doing your best.  But please, never let these roles take priority over the ultimate role we have been given:  to be lovers of God and lovers of man.

These are the things we were created for.

God has given us other things in our lives to enjoy as we are living our ultimate purpose...but it would be a severe tragedy to live our lives focused on the appetizer and never really get to the main course.  And sadly, for many of us...that is a description of our day to day lives.

May we be challenged, today and everyday, to live for the significant moments.  May we be empowered and enabled to see our lives from the perspective of our Savior, savoring the moments of eternal significance and living to love Him and to love others.   

And may everything else begin to fade away as simply background noise. 


  1. Deb,

    Such great thoughts. Along those same lines, think about how much actual TIME we invest in those meaningless things. I know I have thought back and reflected how I re-arranged my day in order to spend time watching an "important" football game or something else trivial. Looking back, you just feel foolish about those things. I think we don't just scratch the surface about how it is to devote our heart, soul and mind to God. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Andrew, you make such true and important points. We have such a long way to go with this topic, but by God's grace we'll keep moving toward a focused life.....thanks for sharing and for reading.


Love to hear your thoughts...